Savage (3pp)

The Savage


The big city? All I see is a cage that smells of manure.

At its height, the empire was able to drive back the nomads and savage tribes at its borders, but its defenses have weakened. The orcs raid the northern reaches every summer, the druidic forces keep attacking settlements near ancient forests, and dragon lords have established a permanent stronghold of the savage races in cities of monsters. These tribes are your people. You were born among them, you fight with them, and one day they will scatter your ashes in the wind. Your people are free. The city dwellers are nothing but caged animals, toothless and weak. Your blood still boils. When the swords start clashing, feel the rush of battle in your veins. With every strike you sink into the heart of your enemy, you grow stronger, more ferocious, more deadly.

Play Style: Your place in battle is the front line. You get into your enemy’s face and then proceed to smash it.

If you like to charge in and bash skulls, this is your class. You don’t just dish out damage in large heaps, you’ll also be able to take quite a bit. However, don’t underestimate how quickly your enemies can cut you down if they gang up on you.

With your Frenzy Dice class feature, your damage increases with every hit. During battle, there are two things to keep track of: the number of dice in your frenzy pool and which frenzy powers you have already used this battle.

Out of combat, a background in scouting or wilderness survival can make you an asset to the party.

You can also make yourself useful in social situations. While you won’t impress anyone with table manners or polite conversation, your free spirit can cut through the complications and get to the core of matters quickly. If diplomacy fails, the threat of ripping someone’s arm out is quite credible if it comes from you.

Ability Scores: You gain a +2 bonus to Strength or Constitution, as long as it is not the same as your racial bonus. Those two abilities are your mainstays. A good Wisdom or Dexterity is important for your armor class.

Races: Members of any race can pick up a big stick and bash their opponents to a bloody pulp. Half-Orc is a top pick. Dwarf, dragonspawn, dark elf, wood elf, or dwarf-forged are also great choices.

Backgrounds: The disgraced daughter of the tribal shaman channels the power of the spirits in a vengeful fury. The bloodthirsty mercenary wants to make a fortune before he returns to the north to his loving wife. The freed gladiator has sworn to travel every known land. The hell-hole scavenger feels an inner anger that is not all natural. The fallen paladin is on a quest to atone, but instead of peace, he has found new strength in channeling his inner anger. The gruff bounty hunter was once a celebrated painter, before the dragons came and it all went to hell.


Most Savages hail from tribal societies, and carry with them what they need to survive in the wild. The clothes they wear are simple and sturdy, often made from the tanned furs and hides of animals they hunted. Many decorate their skin with paints, tattoos or ritual scars to appear more fearsome to their enemies. Mercenary types will wear the civilized military clothing of their region, with light armor such as a chain shirt or breast plate, and the usual travelling gear.

You can choose to start with either 25 gp, or 1d6 x 10 gp. If you don’t hail from civilization, this is most likely furs, gems, or small pieces of art like carved animal teeth that your people use for trading.


Savages usually wear light armor in battle, as they find heavy armor too restrictive for their fierce, untamed fighting style.

Savage Armor and AC
Type Base AC Attack Penalty
None 10
Light 12
Heavy 13 -2
Shield +1


Savages favor melee weapons. The most common style is a single heavy weapon, but there is a variety of styles that depend on your choice of talents.

Savage Melee Weapons
Size One-Handed Two-Handed
Small 1d4 knife 1d6 staff
Light or Simple 1d6 short sword 1d8 spear
Heavy or Martial 1d8 longsword, scimitar 1d10 greatsword, battle axe

See the talent list for an option to wield 1d12 melee weapons. 

Savage Ranged Weapons
Size Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small 1d4 dagger 1d4 hand crossbow
Light or Simple 1d6 javelin, axe 1d6 light crossbow 1d6 shortbow
Heavy 1d8 heavy crossbow 1d8 longbow

Basic Attacks

Melee Basic Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Strength + FRENZY damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Basic Attack (Thrown Weapon)


Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Strength OR Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Strength OR Dexterity + FRENZY damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Ranged Basic Attack (Bow/Crossbow)


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: Weapon + Dexterity damage

Miss: —

Savage Level Level Progression

Note: Although not listed on the table, Savages get three talents. They do not gain more at higher levels.

Savage Level Total Hit Points Total Feats Powers
Power Pool
Frenzy dice
on hit
Maximum Frenzy Level-up Ability Bonuses Damage Bonus from Ability Score
Level 1 (8 + CON mod) x 3 1 adventurer 3 1st level 1d4 3d4   ability modifier
Level 2 (8 + CON mod) x 4 2 adventurer 4 1st level 1d6 3d6   ability modifier
Level 3 (8 + CON mod) x 5 3 adventurer 4 3rd level 1d8 3d8   ability modifier
Level 4 (8 + CON mod) x 6 4 adventurer 5 3rd level 1d10 3d10 +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
Level 5 (8 + CON mod) x 8 4 adventurer
1 champion
5 5th level 2d6 6d6   2 x ability modifier
Level 6 (8 + CON mod) x 10 4 adventurer
2 champion
5 5th level 2d8 6d8   2 x ability modifier
Level 7 (8 + CON mod) x 12 4 adventurer
3 champion
6 7th level 2d10 6d10 +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
Level 8 (8 + CON mod) x 16 4 adventurer
3 champion
1 epic
6 7th level 3d8 9d8   3 x ability modifier
Level 9 (8 + CON mod) x 20 4 adventurer
3 champion
2 epic
6 9th level 3d10 9d10   3 x ability modifier
Level 10 (8 + CON mod) x 24 4 adventurer
3 champion
3 epic
7 9th level 3d12 9d12 +1 to 3 abilities 3 x ability modifier

Multiclass Savages start with 2 powers known at level 1. See the Multiclass information at the bottom for more details.

Savage Stats

Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, Feats, and some Talents are level dependent.

Ability Bonus +2 Strength or Constitution (different from racial bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor) 12 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 10 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (8 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)
Recoveries (probably) 8
Recovery Dice (1d10 x Level) + Con mod
Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background
Icon Relationships 3 points; 4 at 5th level, 5 at 8th level
Talents 3
Feats 1 per level

Class Features

Frenzy Dice

With each hit you score in a battle, you build up a pool of frenzy dice. You add these dice to damage, but you can also expend them to fuel your powers or heal yourself.

You start each battle with zero frenzy dice. Whenever you hit with a melee attack or a thrown weapon ranged attack, you gain frenzy dice at the end of that turn. Only the first hit counts, multiple hits in one turn still only grant you frenzy dice once.

At first level, you gain a single d4. The die increases by one step each level, as per the level progression table. At 5th level, you gain two dice, and at 8th level, three.

The frenzy dice you gain are added to your frenzy pool. You can keep adding frenzy dice until you reach the maximum, which is three times the dice you gain per hit. When an attack or power uses your current frenzy dice, the pool is referred to as FRENZY (similar to WEAPON for your weapon damage dice). Most importantly, you add FRENZY to damage when you hit with a basic melee attack. Using FRENZY does not expend the dice; they remain in your pool.

However, there are two uses that expend your frenzy dice. One is to pay the cost of your frenzy powers, the other is your Frenzied Healing class feature below.

Frenzy Powers

Your frenzy powers are stronger melee attacks and furious battlecries. They can be used once per battle. You start with three at first level, and you can switch them out when you gain a level. Many of your powers come with a cost entry. After you use the power, remove frenzy dice equal to the cost from your frenzy pool. That way, dice expended to pay for the cost are still counted for its FRENZY effect.

Frenzied Healing

At the end of your turn, before discarding frenzy dice above maximum, you can expend any number of frenzy dice to heal yourself. Roll these dice to determine how many hit points you heal.

The first time you use this ability in a battle, you must spend a recovery without making a recovery roll.

Champion Feat: When an attack reduces you below zero hit points, you can use Frenzied Healing as an interrupt action to heal back up from zero hit points. You have to expend your entire frenzy pool if you do so.

Class Talents

Born in the Saddle

Whenever you roll a natural even failure on a skill check related to animals, you can reroll the check once. This includes combat control checks. See the mounted combat rules in 13th Age Monthly #20 for details. When you succeed at a mounted combat control check, don’t increase the DC of the next check by 5.

You are not limited to two mounted combat actions per battle.

Adventurer feat: Add the escalation die to mounted combat control checks.

Champion feat: When your mount hits with an attack, add your FRENZY to the damage.

Epic Feat: When a save by your mount is an even failure, you can reroll the check once.

Critical Frenzy

When you score a critical hit with a melee attack or thrown weapon ranged attack during your turn, gain double frenzy dice at the end of your turn.

Champion feat: When your frenzy dice pool is at maximum, gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range with melee attacks.

Epic Feat: Increase the critical threat range bonus to +3.

Flying Axes

You can use a one-handed heavy melee weapon as a thrown weapon (d8 damage dice).

Adventurer feat: You can use your melee attack frenzy powers as thrown weapon ranged attacks instead.

Champion feat: Once per battle, when an enemy successfully disengages from you, make a thrown weapon attack against that enemy as an interrupt action.

Epic Feat: Reroll natural 2s on the attack roll with thrown weapons.

Frenzied Vitality

When you use the Frenzied Healing class feature while staggered, gain extra hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Double this bonus at 5th level, triple it at 8th.

Adventurer feat: Gain a bonus recovery.

Champion feat: Add your Constitution modifier even when not staggered.

Epic Feat: You can heal above your maximum hit points with Frenzied Healing. Any excess hit points vanish at the end of the battle.

Full Metal Berserk

Warriors of your tribe use leather and hides for protection in battle, but you earned a set of heavy armor in your spoils of war and you’ve been wearing it proudly ever since.

You don’t take an attack penalty while wearing heavy armor.

Adventurer feat: Gain a +1 bonus to PD in heavy armor.

Champion feat: Gain a +1 bonus to saving throws in heavy armor.

Epic feat: Gain a +1 bonus to AC while wearing heavy armor.

Gigantic Weapon

For a hulking brute like you, a normal sword is a better toothpick. You’d rather wield a sword that’s taller than most of your enemies, or an axe with a blade that’s twice the size of their heads.

Increase the damage die of heavy two-handed melee weapons to d12.

Adventurer feat: When wielding a two-handed melee weapon, gain a +1 bonus to hit against large and huge monsters.

Champion feat: When wielding a two-handed melee weapon, gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range against large and huge monsters.

Epic feat: When wielding a two-handed melee weapon, deal triple damage on a critical hit against large and huge monsters.

Rallying Cry

When you rally, you regain an expended frenzy power.

Adventurer feat: When you rally, gain frenzy dice as if you had hit with a melee attack this turn.

Champion feat: When you rally, a nearby ally can use a recovery to heal.

Epic feat: When you rally, gain a +2 bonus to attacks and defenses until the end of your next turn.

Red Curtain

Once you feel the rush of battle, nothing can stop you from taking down your prey.

Whenever you take an attack penalty from a condition, halve that penalty. For example, if you are dazed, reduce the attack penalty from -4 to -2.

Adventurer feat: You gain a +1 bonus to saves against conditions.

Champion feat: Once per battle, when you are unable to take actions during your turn (such as when stunned or unconscious), you can take a standard action.

Epic feat: While staggered, you can choose to ignore the effects of any other condition. Note that when your hp drop to zero, you are no longer staggered, so the effect ends and you fall unconscious.

Spiritual Guidance

The spirits of your ancestral lands, and heroes of past ages, whose deeds are passed on in legends, watch over you. In the rush of battle, you can feel them guide your blade.

You gain a bonus frenzy power. You can choose a power that is two levels higher than your current level. Note that there are no powers higher than 9th level.

Adventurer feat: Once per scene, you can turn to your ancestors for guidance when making a skill check. Roll a d6. If the result is even, add it to your roll.

Champion feat: Once per battle, the spirits can guide your blade when making an attack. Roll a d6. If the result is even, add it to the roll.

Epic feat: Whenever you make a death save, roll a d6. If it is even, add it to the roll.

Totem Warrior

When members of your tribe reach maturity, they perform a vision quest to discover their totem animal. You have successfully completed this quest, and were accepted as an adult. You can call upon the strength of your totem spirit in battle.

You gain a beast aspect from the druid’s Shifter talent as a daily power. As a quick action, you can gain the initiate effect of the aspect until the end of the battle. You can take the feats of that aspect. Ignore other rules of the Shifter talent.

Adventurer feat: Gain the adept effect of the aspect.

Champion feat: The aspect is now Recharge 16+.

Epic feat: You gain the Shake It Off power from the Shifter talent.

Twin Blades of Fury

When waves of enemies crash against you, you are the rock that splits the tide, with a weapon in each hand for double the slashing.

When you wield a melee weapon in each hand, add FRENZY to miss damage with melee attacks.

Adventurer feat: When wielding two melee weapons, gain a +1 bonus to hit against mooks.

Champion feat: When wielding two melee weapons, gain a +2 bonus to your critical threat range against mooks.

Epic Feat: When wielding two melee weapons, deal triple damage with critical hits against mooks.

Unstoppable Determination

If your enemies think that just because you are a hulking mass of muscle, your mind is weak and can be easily swayed, they are in for a nasty surprise.

You gain a +2 bonus to MD. If you are hit by an attack against MD with an effect other than damage, immediately make a saving throw against that effect. If the save succeeds, ignore the effect.

Adventurer feat: Once per battle, if an attack against MD misses you, gain a frenzy die (2 at 5th level; 4 at 8th).

Champion feat: Increase the MD bonus to +3.

Epic feat: You are immune to fear.

1st Level Powers

Cry for Blood

Close-quarters power; Once per battle

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Target: 1d4+1 nearby enemies

Attack: Constitution + Level vs. the highest MD of all targets

Hit: Psychic damage equal to your Constitution modifier + FRENZY. Gain frenzy dice as if you had hit with a melee attack at the end of your turn.

Miss: Half damage

Champion feat: You can spend a frenzy die to give all nearby allies a +2 bonus to their next melee attack.

Frenzied Leap

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Quick action

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Effect: Pop free from all enemies and jump to a nearby location. For a long or risky jump, the GM can require a Strength-based skill check.

Adventurer feat: Add your FRENZY to the skill check.

Heedless Rush

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: —

Always: Engage a nearby enemy as part of the attack. You take a -4 penalty to AC until the start of your next turn.

Attack: Strength + Level + 4 vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Adventurer feat: You can pop free from all enemies as part of the attack.

Champion feat: You can engage a far away enemy.

Iron Determination

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; No action

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Trigger: You fail a saving throw or a death save

Effect: Reroll the save. Add +1 per die in your frenzy pool to the reroll.

Adventurer feat: If the reroll fails, you do not expend this power.

Champion feat: The power cost is zero.

Savage Bash

Melee Attack; Once per battle

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage. Your allies can pop free from the target.

Miss: Half damage.

Adventurer feat: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +4 bonus to opportunity attacks against the target.

Scream of Victory

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Trigger: You kill a non-mook enemy

Effect: Spend a recovery to heal.

Adventurer feat: Add FRENZY to the amount healed.

Champion feat: If you spend 2 extra dice, the recovery is free.

Ultra-Frenzied Strike

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: 3 frenzy dice

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + twice FRENZY damage

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Adventurer feat: Deal half damage on a miss.

Champion Feat: You can spend an extra frenzy die to gain a +2 bonus to the attack.

Epic Feat: Add triple FRENZY instead.

3rd Level Powers

Feed On Pain

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Interrupt action

Cost: –

Trigger: You take damage from an attack.

Effect: Immediately gain a frenzy die (5th level: 2 dice; 8th level: 3 dice).

Adventurer feat: Heal FRENZY hit points.

Howl of the Alpha Wolf

Close-quarters power; Quick action; Once per battle

Cost: 1 to 3 frenzy dice

Target: 1 nearby enemy per frenzy die spent

Attack: Constitution + Level vs. MD

Hit: Constitution + FRENZY psychic damage.

Natural even hit: The target is hampered (can only make basic attacks) until the start of your next turn.

Miss: Psychic damage equal to your level.

Adventurer feat: If the attack misses all targets, you don’t expend this power.

Champion feat: The hamper effect is “save ends”.

Epic feat: On a critical hit, the target is stunned until the start of your next turn.

Invigorating Strike

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage. Spend a recovery to heal and add FRENZY to the amount of hp you heal.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Adventurer Feat: You can spend a recovery to heal on a miss.

Champion feat: You can spend up to three frenzy dice on this power to use one recovery per die spent.

Epic Feat: While staggered, gain a +1 bonus to hit with this power per frenzy die spent.

Raging Vengeance

Melee attack; Once per battle; Interrupt action

Cost: —

Trigger: A nearby ally has been reduced to zero hit points

Always: Pop free from all enemies, engage the opponent that has attacked your ally.

Target: Your ally’s attacker

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage.

Miss: Half damage.

Adventurer feat: Spend a frenzy die to gain a +2 bonus to the attack.

Champion feat: On a hit, grant your ally a death save with the escalation die as a bonus.

Epic feat: If your ally succeeds at the death save, increase the escalation die by 1.

Swift Punishment

Melee attack; Once per battle; Interrupt action

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Trigger: An enemy misses you with melee attack that is a natural 1–5 on the attack roll.

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Champion feat: If you miss, you don’t expend the power.

Throat Ripper

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: 1 frenzy die

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage, plus FRENZY ongoing damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Champion feat: The save against the ongoing damage is a hard save (16+).

5th Level Powers

Blood Frenzy

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: 2 frenzy dice

Target: Two enemies you are engaged with

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage.

Miss: –

Both attacks miss: Take FRENZY psychic damage.

Epic feat: Deal half damage on a miss.

Cull the Weak

Melee attack; Once per battle; Quick action

Cost: 2 frenzy dice

Target: One nearby staggered enemy

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage.

Champion feat: If this attack kills the target, immediately make another melee attack against a nearby enemy.

Furious Outburst

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action

Cost: 2 frenzy dice

Trigger: You miss with a melee attack

Effect: Reroll the attack.

Champion feat: If the second roll hits, reroll any damage dice of that attack that are natural 1s.

Epic feat: No frenzy die cost.

Puny Flesh Wound

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Interrupt action

Cost: 2 frenzy dice

Trigger: You take damage.

Effect: Roll FRENZY and reduce the damage you take by that amount.

Champion feat: Reduce the damage by an additional 25 points.

Steeped In Fire

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Interrupt action

Cost: 2 frenzy dice

Trigger: You take damage from an attack

Effect: You take half damage from the attack. If the attack had a type of damage associated to it, such as fire, you gain resist that type 16+ until the end of the battle.

Champion feat: No frenzy die cost.

Epic feat: You take no damage from the initial attack.

7th Level Powers

Harbinger of Death

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: —

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage.

Natural even hit: Spend 2 frenzy dice to make another melee attack. Keep attacking until you roll odd or run out of frenzy dice. You can pop free and engage other nearby enemies between attacks.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Epic feat: The first roll triggers a follow-up attack, even if it is not an even hit.

Raised Fist of Defiance

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Quick action

Cost: 3 frenzy dice

Effect: You shout out a challenge to an icon, and gain a negative relationship die with that icon until your next full heal-up.

Champion Feat: Increase the escalation die by 1.

Epic feat: You can also roll a save.

Slaying Frenzy

Close-quarters power; Quick action; Once per battle

Cost: 3 frenzy dice

Effect: Increase your critical threat range by 2 until you roll a critical hit, or until the end of battle.

Epic feat: You can expend 4 frenzy dice to increase the crit range by 4 instead.

Spine-chilling Roar

Close-quarters power; Once per battle

Cost: 3 frenzy dice

Target: 1d4+1 nearby enemies OR all nearby mooks

Attack: Constitution + level vs. the highest MD of all targets

Effect: The targets are dazed until the start of your next turn, and will flee if able to.

Epic feat: You can use this power as a free action, at no frenzy die cost, after killing a non-mook enemy.

Whirling Evasion

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Interrupt action

Cost: 3 frenzy dice

Trigger: You are hit by an attack by an enemy you are engaged with.

Effect: Take half damage from the attack. Make a basic melee attack against the attacker.

Champion Feat: You can use this power against a nearby enemy you are not engaged with. Make a basic ranged attack with a thrown weapon instead.

Epic feat: Take no damage from the attack.

9th Level Powers

Fury of the North Wind

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Quick Action

Cost: 4 frenzy dice

Special: You must be staggered.

Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you are immune to all attacks except melee attacks.

Epic feat: You can use this power as a free action after you are staggered by an attack.

Killing Blow

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action

Cost: 4 frenzy dice

Trigger: You score a critical hit against a staggered enemy.

Attack: Constitution + Level vs. PD

Hit: You kill the enemy.

Miss: The enemy is weakened until the end of your next turn.

Epic Feat: Deal 25 ongoing damage on a miss (save ends both).

Tsunami of Blood

Melee attack; Once per battle

Cost: 8 frenzy dice

Special: You can use this power as a free action when you miss with a basic melee attack.

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + FRENZY damage.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Epic feat: Target an additional enemy.

Undying Rage

Close-quarters power; Once per battle; Free action

Cost: 4 frenzy dice

Trigger: You are reduced below zero hit points by an attack.

Effect: Heal using a recovery and add your FRENZY. Then take a standard action.

Epic feat: You can spend two recoveries.

Multiclass Savage

  • You gain the Savage Dice and Frenzied Healing class features.
  • You only gain frenzy dice for hits with savage basic melee attacks and savage power melee attacks. You would not, for example, gain frenzy dice for a hit with the Paladin‘s Smite Evil.
  • You only add frenzy to damage with savage melee attacks, not attacks of other classes.
  • Savages count as “skillful warriors” and do not suffer from a weapon damage penalty (if the other class is also from that list)
  • You are one level behind on frenzy powers. At 1st level, you know 2 savage powers, and your frenzy die on hit is 1d3. Your maximum frenzy is 3d3.

Key Modifiers

Key Modifier Other class
Str/Dex Monk, Ranger, Rogue
Str/Con Abomination, Barbarian, Fighter
Str/Int Necromancer, Occultist, Psion, Swordmage, Wizard
Str/Wis Cleric, Druid, Fateweaver
Str/Cha Bard, Chaos Mage, Commander, Paladin, Sorcerer, Warlock


[P70] Savage Level Progression
Change the Frenzy Dice on Hit and Maximum Frenzy Pool at levels 8-10 to …
Level 8 – 3d8 – 9d8
Level 9 – 3d10 – 9d10
Level 10 – 3d12 – 9d12

[P72] Frenzy: At epic level, gain 3 Frenzy dice per hit, not four.

[P72] Frenzied Healing: Change text to: “At the end of your turn, before discarding frenzy dice above maximum, you can expend any number of frenzy dice to heal yourself. Roll these dice to determine how many hit points you heal.
The first time you use this ability in a battle, you must spend a recovery without a recovery roll.”

(Added requirement to spend a recovery without a recovery roll to preserve the recovery economy)

[P73] Gigantic Weapon, all 3 feats: “When wielding a two-handed weapon” -> “When wielding a two-handed melee weapon”

[P74] Twin Blades of Fury, all 3 feats: “When wielding two weapons” -> “When wielding two melee weapons”

[P75] Savage Bash: Increase power cost from 0 frenzy dice to 1

[P75] Ultra-Frenzied Strike: Increase power cost from 1 frenzy die to 3
Swap adventurer and champion feat

[P76] Feed On Pain: At 8th level, gain 3 frenzy dice, not 4.

[P76] Throat Ripper: Increase power cost from 0 frenzy dice to 1

[P78] Harbinger of Death: Natural Even hit: “Spend 2 frenzy dice to make another melee attack” (not 1)

[P79] Killing Blow, Epic Feat: Remove “(save ends both)”

[P79] Tsunami of Blood: Increase power cost from 4 frenzy dice to 8


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Dark Pacts & Ancient Secrets © 2017 Author Martin Killmann

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